Message 124
Certain matters cause the 144,000 minded to cringe. Complacency is among the worst of things, and this of and about the modern church. Because the vast majority of it [a “church” with thousands of different doctrines] has chosen to become a lawless (“The Law has been done away with!”) body, it is left with something very much inferior. And of the most inferior systems the church has bought into, is that which speaks to “American law” and it's effects. And of such they say, “Well its still one of the best systems in the world.”
And what makes statements such as the one above so cringe worthy to the 144,000, is that it is the very inferior system of law that will indeed be Yahweh's chosen tool to coerce the modern church to walk right into the words of Revelation 6:9-11. Yahweh was sure to implement every word of His Laws (Mind patterns) within the minds of every chosen soul, and of those mandated Laws was the decree that one MUST LITERALLY LOSE THEIR LIFE (mind ruled by the personal will) TO FIND IT (Yahweh's Mind placed within chosen souls)! (Mattithyah 10:39, Mark 8:35, Luke 9:24, Yahchanan (John) 12:25).
The forsaking of Yahweh's Unilaterally Covenanted Mind Patterns (Laws), while upholding systems generated of and from fallen minds, is a predestined agenda that the 144,000 prepare for. They know that among all things it warrants them being cast aside by those who once, so eagerly, called them “brother”.