Message 125

The 144,000 are well aware of the fact that Yahweh declares Yahshua to be anything but an easy path (mind road) to Himself. They understand that what Yahshua decreed at the stake (“pin”; the piercing of the personal will), before his last physical life breath, was not, “It is finished!”, but rather, “It is accomplished!” And in this Yahshua was well aware that he had plenty of more work to do at the timing specified in the book of Revelation with it's manifestations. And Yahshua also made it very clear that after his resurrection (the forever shaking off of the personal will), the role of the disciples (mental disciplines within chosen minds) was to preach, “repentance and remission of sin (mental transgressions).” (Luke 24:46) And that it began within of course, as all things of the Kingdom of Yahweh do.

Indeed Yahshua accomplished his first and foremost mandate in his obedience to the Father: “Go and show My chosen how to crucify the personal will!” And it is this very fact that causes many many many professed believers to stumble: “I now have to nail my own will to the stake? I also have to become perfect?” It is exactly what is commanded!

“As it is written (mentally inscribed; see Isayah 8:14), 'Behold (mentally ponder on) I [Yahweh] lay in Zion (the mind's potential at “clarity”) a stumbling (“infliction”) stone (“build”) and rock (“compressed, refuge”) of offense (see “stumbling”); yet whoever [each particular thought; each particular mind; each particular man] believes (“build, support, foster”) in him [Yahshua; the “Yahweh saves” mindset] will not be put to shame (“exposed, disfavored”).'” (Romans 9:33)


Message 124


Message 126