Message 126

One Mind and therefore One Plan! The Hebrew word is dâbâr רכר (daw-baw'). It's definitions are “matter, thing”. It's root definitions are “arrange, speak, subdue”.  Though commonly translated in multiple ways, the most common translation does not reveal Hebraic intent in it's purest and clearest way. Lets go to a very specific area of Scripture and use the translation that best summarizes true Hebraic intent:

“In the beginning was the plan (dâbâr) of Yahweh, and the plan was with Yahweh, and the plan was Yahweh's. The same plan (as a renewal of the plan spoken to Mosheh and Israel of old) was in the beginning (before even Adam was created) with Yahweh. And all things were done according to it [the plan], and without it nothing was done, that was.” (Yahchanan 1:1-3)

The 144,000 understand that teachers of the erroneous doctrine known as the “Trinity”, cringe when proper Hebraic intent is applied. They know that Yahweh's predestined plan was to enact and fulfill His plan incorporated, “One Mind, One Speech!”, and that it would only be “finished” when this transpired:

“Until we all [chosen minds] come to unity (total unfettered agreement of exactly what Yahweh's will is) of the faith, and of the same knowledge (the “yâda'” ירע of the matter) the son (premier mind “builder”; Yahshua) of Yahweh has, unto a perfect (mentally saved) man (body of thought) unto the measure (mental boundaries allotted) of the stature (“height”; mental maturity) of the fullness of the anointing (mind fully “rubbed” by Yahweh's Mind).” (Ephesians 4:13)


Message 125


Message 127