Message 127

If every man represents a singular conscience, a realm/body of thought (Hebraic intent intact), then it also reigns true that to seek out the counsel of man is indeed a risky endeavor. We look to Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset) to gain both wisdom (male side, right brain) and understanding (female side, left brain); for of and about him and the Father, it is said that They are, “no respecter of men”. (Acts 10:34, Ephesians 6:9, Colossians 3:25) And Their decree to created men is, “But if you show respect (“lift”; consciously exalt and rely upon) to persons (active thoughts borne forth of the true “self”/physical humans), you commit sin (mental transgression), and are convicted (mentally bound) by the Law (Mind patterns) as transgressors.” (Yaaqob (James) 2:9, of and about Leviticus 19:15 and Deuteronomy 1:17, 16:19)

The 144,000 realize that fallen minds equals fallen men, and so the “counsel (“advise”)” Yahweh does indeed encourage and always has the caveat of consistency with all of His words: “The counsel must conform to every single Mind pattern (Law), without one single transgression!” (Yaaqob 2:10) And it is indeed this complex caveat that the 144,000 come to understand that, “Yahshua is the full manifestation of Yahweh's counsel to chosen souls!” And they also comprehend that so few others can completely explain the entire mindset that this truth encompasses! Indeed it is well understood, the words of Shelômôh  (shel-o-mo') (commonly translated as “Solomon”; “peaceful, well”), at Proverbs 12:26 - “The righteous (right thinking) should choose his friends (mental “companions”) carefully, for the way (mental paths) of the wicked (“bad” thinking) leads them [loose thoughts] astray.”



Message 126


Message 128