Message 128

“The Babylonians of Chaldea.” Simply defined, Hebrew words and Hebraic intent intact, it means “Confusion of Divination!” It speaks to what happens when a mind either embraces fully or even entertains “magic”, “astrology (fortune telling and horoscopes)” and the like. Utter confusion, the guaranteed end result, and of course it is always within where the confusion will reside.

The 144,000 are intimately connected to the wisdom and understandings of Yahweh's Kingdom; a Kingdom placed into chosen souls. They understand that fallen minds utterly hate (Romans 8:7) all of Yahweh's Mind Patterns (Laws) allotted to chosen souls. They also understand that it is Yahweh Alone who gets to declare what “hate” towards Himself means. And the “self” will always bastardize every mental boundary Yahweh set in place in the world of His pure thinking. They have a reverent fear of what is exactly meant when one is said to be “given over” (Romans 11:8), never again to be able to access even one aspect of Yahweh's Mind.

The 144,000 know that they have today, and that the day is sufficient to bring forth any remnants of their fallen, personal will. They don't day dream and though they have mental plans, they know only Yahweh can establish them. (Proverbs 16:3) They know that words such as “luck” and “coincidence” are words for sorcerers and diviners, and they understand that every aspect of life physical is Yahweh's domain, and they leave it with Him.


Message 127


Message 129