Message 129
A very complex and it's safe to say, dramatic understanding, occurs when one fully comes to understand the words written at Leviticus 18:7-8:
“The nakedness (“bare, blemish”; integrity) of your father (traditional thoughts tied to wisdom, kindness and victory), which is the nakedness of your mother (emotional bonds, tied to understanding, severity and splendor) you shall not uncover (“reveal, stripped”); do not lie (“populate”; ravish) with her. And your father's wife (emotional existence), you shall not lie with her, for it is your father's nakedness.”
The 144,000 understand exactly what happened at Genesis 9:20-27. That Kenaʽan (Canaan) (“humiliated”) represents the mental offspring of Ham (“hot, decay”; dark, debased thoughts) and Noah's wife – Ham's own mother. Ham indeed uncovered (9:21) his father's nakedness, exposing an incestual seed within the mind of some very dark minds; humiliation. And it would be this very place of inner humiliation (Canaan) that Yahweh chose to designate as future Israel (“thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power”). A thought plain (land) He intends to be transformed into one of milk (substance) and honey (sweetness) – eternally.
The 144,000 long to leave behind all of the humiliation they have humbly perceived they are capable of. And not just capable of, but bound to if not for Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Covenant; the placing of His Mind's presence into chosen souls. They practice His Mind patterns (Laws) daily in homage to this true reality.