Message 130
“How much more will the shed (consciously “expended”) blood (carnal life force within) of the anointed (“rubbed”; touched by Yahweh's Mind) one, who through the Eternal Mind, offered himself (his “self” will) without spot (mental “blemish”) to Yahweh, purge (“cover, placate”) your conscience (mental perceptions) from dead (“smited” thoughts borne forth from the personal will) works (mental “acts”) to serve the Mind of the Father?” (Hebrews 9:14)
The 144,000 realize that the crux of Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Contract (Covenant) to restore fallen minds, was His predetermined choice to take His “firstborn among creation”; (Colossians 1:15) and offer him [Yahshua] for their (and many others) very own mental transgressions. That the depths of the decision to sacrifice (consciously slaughter) His firstborn son, is actually a predetermined matter that set forth all of creation. (Colossians 10:16) Yahshua, by shedding (expending) his own personal “Adam (potential towards “carnality”)”, having never acted upon that will (no blemish), opened the mind's door for all of Yahweh's chosen children (“builders”) to do the same. The 144,000 often sit in silence and marvel at Yahshua's feat: “Fully capable of sin, just as I, and yet, he never sinned. He never gave in to his personal choices and desires.” Utterly mind (breath) taking indeed.
“And for this [the strength to never act upon his own personal will], he is the mediator (conscious go between) of the Renewed (the chance to “rebuild” within) Covenant (starting at Deuteronomy 29:4)...” (Hebrews 9:15)