Message 131
The 144,000 have either fully tapped in, or are on the fringes of, ALL THINGS YAHWEH. In this is the very childlike simplicity that Yahshua spoke of in saying, “Let the children (“builders”) come to me.” It is not as the gentile nations (thoughts foreign to Yahweh's will), and even sadly the modern church, perceives it to be; the pure simplicity of Yahweh's Ways.
Of Yahweh's simplicity, but O so complex to fallen minds, is a mystery unveiled: “But seek (mentally “search”) first (before all things) the Kingdom (mental “reign”) of Yahweh and His righteousness (right thinking), and all these [life (mental breath), food (mental nourishment), drink (mental fructification), clothing (mental covering)], things will be added (consciously afforded) to you.” (Mattithyah 6:33)
Do you yet perceive? Do you yourself, speak the antithesis to the above in your own life (mind's breath), in matters regarding family – and Yahweh?
“But I have to work all these hours to pay the bills and provide for our needs!” And have you taught those under your care to believe and speak the same?
The 144,000 choose to believe EVERYTHING Yahweh says. They understand, “If I simply rise everyday given to me, and seek the Face (conscious countenance) of my Father, waiting upon His direction for my day, ALL OF MY PROVISION FOR EVERY ASPECT OF MY LIFE AND THOSE I CARE FOR whether announced directly or not, will be provided for!” That the act of simple obedience to “Seek First!”, activates every promise spoken by Yahweh. And they have obeyed and found how utterly true and honest His words are.