Message 132
Quiet kindness. When the soul has come countenance (face) to countenance (Face) with Yahweh's will within, something happens. Quietness happens. It is a quietness that has several sources, one of them being that many of the mind's cries have been answered: “It is Me [Yahweh]. I'm the answer to every question, the solution to every fear – it's Me.” That kind of quietness within. Another aspect of the quietness is the true reality that so few others have found this place within. The path to it is well known by the 144,000, yet they understand, “There is not a chance they [all others] see it!” They know its a very individual, very personal choice, to “lose your life to find it.” And that it has already been decreed that so very few will choose a path (mental way) so very very narrow.
These two aspects are the same result for the soul that has mentally perceived, believed and received; a kind quietness. Kind, because again, they remember the way to it and how very little they contributed other then, “Yes, I will die to that, for You Yahweh.” They too were once scared of giving Him EVERYTHING, but they realized something crucial: My own thinking will never bring me true peace, love and joy within!
“For this is what Father Yahweh, The Holy One of Israel (“thoughts ruled by and for His power”; the twelve faculties/tribes/disciplines, within) says, 'In returning (confession of all “self” desire) and rest (“descent”; humility) will you be saved (perfected of mind); in quietness (mental “repose”) and in confidence (“trust” in Yahweh Alone) will be your strength (mind's force).'” (Isayah 30:15)