Message 133

“The work (mind's “transactions”) of righteousness (right thinking) will be peace (mental “wellness”) and the effect (“work”) of righteousness will be quietness (“repose” within) and assurance (the mind's “refuge”) forever. My [Yahweh] people (congregating thoughts, named “Israel”) will dwell (consciously reside) in a peaceful habitation (mind space), and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.” (Isayah 32:17-18)

The 144,000 know a secret. They, unlike so many others, fully embrace the true reality that the above verses are for the here and now! They fully comprehend what Yahweh said through Shaul, that, “Now is the day of salvation (mental perfection)!” (II Corinthians 6:2) They have striven for this in a singular, ever personal race, wherein only one receives the prize (the mental perfection commanded). (I Corinthians 9:24, Philippians 3:14-15). They don't make the devastating mistake of reading verses like those mentioned herein, and tell themselves, “That won't happen until I am in eternity!” They understand that any such mindset risks possibly not even reaching that hoped for eternal place! That one must endure (mentally “stand”) in the commands until their very last thought (breath)! They understand exactly what Yahshua was saying: “And you shall be hated above all for my name's (“Yahweh saves”) sake; but he who endures to the end (the last breath/thought) will be saved.” (Mattithyah 10:22)

The 144,000 understand that the “last breath/thought”, can be a decision to crucify all of what the “self” might breathe/think, before a physical death. They can make perfect sense of II Corinthians 6:22 and Mattithyah 10:22, because they know the mandate, “He who loses his life [personal will] will find it [Yahweh's will]!” (Mattithyah 10:39, Mark 8:35, Luke 9:24, 17:33, Yahchanan 12:25). The message of the One in whom there is no division. (Yaaqob (James) 1:17)


Message 132


Message 134