Message 135
The 144,000 realize that within the mind, before salvation has been fully realized, two interior worlds exist within. Not specifically of and about the scattered (divided) tribes (mental faculties) within, but rather, two houses (the totality of one's thoughts, deriving from either Yahweh's will or the “self” will). They realize that Yahweh has seen fit, via His Unilateral Mind Covenant with chosen souls, to place His Mind's Presence (in the allotted boundaries He deemed necessary) into one's “center of intellect (heart)”, thus allowing for that chosen mind to again, obey commands.
And of His House placed within chosen minds, there are specific building instructions given to not only Mȏsheh (thoughts that “draw out” Yahweh's will), but to King Dâvîd (the “Reign of Love” within) and his son (“builder”) Shelômôh (shel-o-mo') (commonly translated as “Solomon”; “peaceful”). Of those instructions a most important aspect of His House is seen at Exodus 20:25:
“If you make an altar (the place within where one “slaughters” all aspects of the personal will) of stone (to “build”) for Me [Yahweh], do not build (mentally construct) it with hewn (“cut”; disassociated) stone; for you will defile (make “foul”) it if you use (“rub, vibrate”; consciously connect with) any tool (“desolate” thinking) on it.”
The 144,000 realize that as it was with the ark (“gathering, pluck”; the initial place where one realized Yahweh's presence and will, though not intimately connected to them), where no human [carnal] hand (grasp) could touch it (II Samuel 6:6-7), so it is with Yahweh's house and all of the artifacts (supernatural fabrications) within it. Human, carnal grasping, can never nor will ever comprehend the will of Yahweh