Message 136

And of the scattered (consciously disconnected) tribes (co-faculties within, also known as “disciples”) of Israel (thoughts intended to be “ruled by and for Yahweh's will”), the 144,000 understand what this mental division revealed. At I Kings 11:29-37, the splitting of the tribes (mental faculties) commences, leaving Lêvîy לוי (lay-vee') (commonly known as “Levi”; “attached”; the “unity” faculty within) set aside. And what is to be understood is that of the remaining faculties, Yehûwdâh יהורה (yeh-hoo-daw') (commonly known as “Judah”; “celebrated”; the “praise” faculty within) is also separated from the other faculties.

The 144,000 understand that it is no coincidence, for coincidence cannot exist if Yahweh is truly Sovereign, that in the physical realm, those who set out to distance themselves from true Israel are in fact “Jews” of the tribe of Judah. And that internal misperceptions of “praise” Yahweh's way, leads minds to disbelieve in the Yahshua (“Yahweh saves” mindset) who has indeed resurrected already. They know that any “praise” without Yahshua in mind, is no praise to Yahweh at all. But the 144,000 understand that these two broken off faculties; “unity” and “praise”, are repaired via obedience to Yahweh's Mind patterns (Laws).

And they understand the time of repair is upon chosen minds: “Also son (“builder”) of man (once carnal thinking), take one stick (“firm” truth) and write upon it: For Yahdah (Judah; the “praise” faculty within) and for the children (“builders”) of Israel (“thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's will”) associated with him. Then take another stick (firm truth) and write upon it: For Yahseph (Joseph; “Yahweh will add”; representing the “will” and “understanding” faculties within), the stick (firm truth) of Ephraim (“doublefruit”; the “will” faculty within), and all the house (remaining faculties) of Israel associated with him. I will take the stick (firm truth) of Yahseph which is in the hand (mind's “grasp”) of Ephraim (the “will” faculty), with the tribes (co-faculties) of Israel associated with him and will put them with it – with the stick of Yahdah (Judah; the “praise” faculty) and make them one (unified) stick (firm truth), and they will be one in My hand (mental “grasp”).” (Yechetzqyah (Ezekiel) 37:16-19)


Message 135


Message 137