Message 137
When one perceives that King David represents the “Reign of Love” within one's mind, one begins to see (mentally of course) why it would be paramount that any “King” of and from Yahweh, could be no less then “love”. And in the Renewed Covenant Yahweh intended to make it very clear that it would be love and love alone, that would be the fulfillment of every Mind pattern (Law) He made available to chosen souls (Mattithyah 22:36-40)
The Hebrew word is Golyath גלית (gol-yath'). It's definition is “exile”. The root word of Golyath is gâlâh גלה (gaw-law'). It's definitions are “stripped, revealed”. We do well to reveal that gâlâh is often translated as “captive, captivity”, showing us that Golyath (commonly translated as “Goliath”; “exile”) represents a stronghold within one's mind that keeps the mind captive to “self”, and therefore exiled from Yahweh's will.
And the only thing that can defeat the mind's exile from Yahweh is of course His reign of love, poured into one's heart (“center of intellect”). The 144,000 understand that the battle of David and Golyath is an internal matter; love - vs. - bondage! And they look anew at all that the Hebrew verses reveal about the specifics of this very battle. How interesting and fascinating it is, to realize that Goliath (the mind's exile from Yahweh's will) was indeed a Pelishtîy פלשתי (pel-ish-tee') (commonly known as “Philistine”; “rolling, migratory”; the minds obstinacy), which brings understanding of why there would always be a taunting (I Samuel 17:10) and hatred of Israel (“thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power”; the twelve mental faculties guided by Yahweh's Mind).