Message 138
“And Mosheh (thoughts that “draw out” Yahweh's will) rose (consciously uplifted) early in the morning, and built an altar (the place the mind sacrifices (slaughters) it's personal will) at the foot (base) of the mountain (Yahweh's “looming” presence), and set up twelve (“two-fold accumulation”) pillars (“stationed”; the twelve faculties in complete homage to Yahweh's will), representing the twelve tribes (“branch, stick (for punishing), writing, fighting, ruling, walking, etc...”; the twelve mental faculties) of Israel (“thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power”).” (Exodus 24:4)
The 144,000 realize that the internal memorial was a recognition that the totality of one's mind was responsible to the very thing the altar (mental slaughtering) and pillars (mind's focused disciplines) paid homage to – “All these Laws (Mind patterns) which Yahweh has spoken, we [the twelve faculties congregating] will do!” (Exodus 24:3) They also realize that the only way such a vow of mind could be kept, was due to the true reality that everything was made via a Covenant of One; Yahweh's Unilateral choice to save fallen minds.
The 144,000 also rise early every morning and remember the homage. They wake and say, “Apart from You Yahweh, I can do no good thing!” And they remember this with every thought they think, and as they lay to rest at night (the time of the mind's “dullness”). And they repeat this day after night, after day.