Message 139
The Hebrew word is zayith זית (zay'-ith). It's definition is “illuminating”. We already know that the words commonly translated as “mount, mountain”, speaks to a “looming presence” over one's mind; either of the clean (Yahweh's will) or unclean (the “self” will) realms. And so we come to understand that the term commonly translated as “Mount of Olives”, speaks specifically to internal “Looming of Illuminations” brought forth into one's thoughts via Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Covenant.
The 144,000 always marvel at the Ways (Mind paths) of Yahweh. They find it fascinating the Mount discussed is of course in Yerûshâlayim (“founded, peaceful”; the mental “capital” of Yahweh's presence within chosen souls). Even more specifically at Bayithpag (commonly known as “Bethphage”; “House of crudeness”), a place that we can easily perceive is in need of His “illuminations”, in order to be redeemed.
And of this internal place Yahshua spoke of the times known commonly as “end days” and what would transpire via great mental apostasy (adultery) by many, even while the “looming illuminations” were being offered. These very matters setting up for an external separation of the two existing wills – Yahweh's and the fallen will of man.
“But Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset) went to the Mount of Olives (Yahweh's “Looming Illuminations” within). And early in the morning (“break, plow”; the time to receive Yahweh's will) he returned to the sacred precincts (the dwelling of the “seven minds” Yahweh has allotted to chosen souls) of the House (Mindset) of Yahweh, where all the people (congregating thoughts) came to him, and he sat (mediating) down and taught (mentally instructed) them.” (Yahchanan (John) 8:1)