Message 140
And of this “Looming Illumination (Mount of Olives)” within chosen minds, the time of it's appearance has an end. Like all things relative to the 144,000, the “day” of Yahweh's wrath (announced at the 6th seal of Revelation and enacted at the 7th seal) is a time of division; a dividing of eternal “clean” and eternal “unclean”.
“And in that day His [Yahweh's] feet (“go along”) will stand upon the Mount of Olives, which is in front of Jerusalem (“founded peace” within) on the East (the mind's “openness”), and the Mount of Olives (“looming illumination”) will be split (“rend, break, rip”) in two (dividing) from the East to the West (mind's “roar”), making a very great valley (mental “gorge”); half (“split”) of the mountain (looming presence) will move towards the North (mind's “darkness”), and half of it towards the South (mind's “parched” places). Then you will flee (“escape, deliver”) through the valley (humility from loftiness) of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains will extend to Azal (“noble, separate”; mental distinctions)...” (Zecharyah 14:4-5)
The 144,000 understand that Yahweh's looming illuminations will be their guide until all things are made new. They know that humility (the valley) rises when turmoil rises, for it must! The splitting and the dividing, being the process of breaking off any and all mental refuse that may remain; again, through utter turmoil. And they know there is a promised end to the plan instituted at Genesis 1:1; a very good end:
“And Yahweh will be King (“Reigning” thoughts) over all the earth (the lower thought plain reclaimed unto His will)! In that day (Revelation 11:15) Yahweh will prove to be Eternal, and His Name (character in consciousness) One (Unified).” (Zecharyah 14:9)