Message 141
“For I [Yahweh] say to you: Unless your righteousness (right thinking) exceeds that of the scribes (“inscribe, enumerate”; collective thoughts) and Pharisees (perets פרץ (peh'rets); “break, breach”; see Genesis 38:29), you will certainly not enter the Kingdom of Yahweh (the Mind of Yahweh).” (Mattithyah 5:20)
The scribe was to both document and have a deep understanding of the Law (Yahweh's Mind patterns for chosen souls). It was he who made sure every letter and the words they formed, were correct. The Pharisee represents (in the physical plain) a man who was set aside in his wisdom and understanding of the Laws as they were written. The scribe and Pharisee had an understanding of the necessity of a resurrection, though theirs was focused on what it meant in the physical realm alone. Unlike the Sadducees (tŝadôwq צרוק (tsaw-doke'); “justified”; thoughts leading to “self” righteousness), who believed not in the need for resurrection (of course being “self” righteous), these groups shared a commonality: Their entire mental position of and about Yahweh's Laws lack(ed)(s) the faith necessary to actually keep them all! In modern church terms, though the modern church falls prey to the very same thing, they were “legalists”. Legalism being nothing other then one's personal belief that there be enough “good” within to do all that Yahweh commands. This false sense of righteousness was the cancer Yahweh set out to cure within His chosen ones, hence having to unilaterally add love (Romans 5:5) and faith (Romans 12:3) into their hearts (“center of intellect”).
And yet the 144,000 don't miss the very specific message Yahshua spoke at the verse above. They understand that in order for one to know how Yahweh thinks, and perfectly so, they must know His Laws (Mind patterns) beyond the understandings of the scribe, Pharisee and Sadducee. That one cannot claim to “know” Yahweh and therefore Yahshua, apart from Mosheh's writings. As Yahshua testified, “For had you (12 mental faculties being renewed via Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Covenant) believed Mosheh (thoughts that “draw out” Yahweh's will) you would have believed me, for he wrote about me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?” (Yahchanan 5:46-47). By faith we keep Yahweh's Mind patterns (Laws)!