Message 142
The Hebrew word is ᾽âman אמן (aw-man). It's definitions are “build, support, foster, render”. Often translated as the word “faith”, yet more so as “believe”. And the first time ᾽âman is utilized in Scripture is at Genesis 15:6: “And Abram (“high father”; thoughts leading the mind to Yahweh's will) believed (was convinced that Yahweh would “build, support, foster, render”, all that was needed to remove the “self” will) in all Yahweh's House (total mindset allotted to chosen souls), and Yahweh accounted it to him as righteousness (right thinking).”
Unlike the scribe, Pharisee and Sadducee, Abram was utterly intimate with Yahweh's Mind Patterns (Laws), for it is only those very patterns that could possibly lead a soul to right thinking (righteousness). Not of one's own “self” reliant standards of righteousness but in righteousness as Yahweh Alone states righteousness to be: THINKING EXACTLY LIKE HIM, BY FAITH! (Romans 4:13) And it is in the understanding of such that Abram would be renamed Abraham (“father of a multitude”), signifying the multitude of renewing thoughts Yahweh would place into the minds of the faithful! And of course we can see at Genesis 17:1, right before the renaming (17:5), Yahweh speaks a command the 144,000 are well aware of: “Walk (mentally “go”) in My ways (mind paths) and be perfect!”
Commonly known as the “Abrahamic Covenant”, it's representation is that of circumcised (mentally “curtailed”) hearts (“centers of intellect”). A Covenant that would be passed as a mind's seed (“sowing”) unto all chosen souls. A seed that continues to grow each and every day.