Message 143
“So ʼĚlîyshâʽ (אלישע) (el-ee-shaw') (“might of supplication”; thoughts leading to prayer for Yahweh's power within) prayed and said, 'Yahweh I pray, open his eyes (mental perceptions) so he may see.' Then Yahweh opened the eyes (mind's perceptions) of the young (immature) man [body of thought], and he saw the hills (“looming” presence of Yahweh's power within, in the context of this verse) were full of horses (“skip, swallow, flight”; unfettered power) and chariots (“teams, dispatch”; supportive thoughts, enhancing one's power in the thought world) of fire (“burn, conviction”; the mind's purging) – all around (the total thought expanse: East (“open”), North (“dark”), South (“parched”), West (“roar”)) Elisha!” (II Kings 6:17)
Intricate and delicate, yet only found via the very mental supplication that the Elisha within speaks to. Is it not always about the “good” thoughts defeating the “bad” thoughts within? And are we yet to understand that the fullness of these thoughts deemed good are only so because they perfectly align with Yahweh's Mind within? And that all of the bad can only be that which comes from the personal will? Has it not been said that, “It is easier for heaven (the “lofty” thought expanse) and earth (the firmly held to lower thought plain of fallen minds) to pass away then for one yohd (yâd – “power, grasp”; the “yah” of the matter) of the Law (Yahweh's Mind patterns for chosen souls) to fail.” (Luke 16:17)
The 144,000 understand very well that Yahweh's Laws are Yahweh's Mind patterns, and that those patterns are the only possible “good” within one's mind. And that every bit of what is intended is that His Mind patterns reveal that through internal supplication, a mind can perceive overwhelming power (horses) and powerful thoughts (chariots) made available. Those that Yahweh has granted to the chosen in order to destroy every construct (foreign nations) of the fallen “self” will.