Message 144

Keeping Yahweh's Mind patterns (Laws) without faith, an implanted, gifted faith (Romans 12:3) to chosen minds, is impossible! And yet the misaligned Scribe ספר (“inscribe”; beliefs), Pharisee נצח (“separatist”; “self” righteousness within) and even Yehuwdîyth יהורה (the mind's “praise” faculty, not yet aligned; commonly known as “Judah”), continues to try. On the other side of the coin is another impossibility –  the idea that faith can be achieved apart from the Law (Mind patterns). The modern mainstream movement known as “Christianity”, fails utterly in this matter. Failing to recognize the Law is Yahweh's allotted mental boundaries for chosen souls, both guarding and leading the mind to it's predestined (Ephesians 1:4) destination; to be made complete in a love that never fails – mental salvation!

Both sides stumbling, thus revealing a separation of the twelve mental faculties/tribes/disciplines, often discussed. Judah (the mind's “praise” faculty, yet fully redeemed), misaligned because of the ignoring of faith offered by Yahweh, and thus denial of the “Yahweh saves (Yahshua)” mandate. While a majority of the mind's other faculties, ignoring the strict adherence to the patterns (Laws) that in fact remove the fallen will, do so under the guise of a “free will”. Internal divisions that amazingly manifest in the physical plain as completely one way or the other; all missing the utter simplicity of the matter which is: “The Law is to be kept by the gift of faith!” And the overwhelming mental picture of Yahweh's favor and mercy over these matters of the mind, is revealed in a Renewed Covenant verse: “For whoever keeps the whole Law, and yet offends in one, is guilty of all.” (Yaaqob (James) 2:1)

The 144,000 understand that keeping Yahweh's Law without His implanted faith is impossible! They also so understand that attaining the mandate, “Be perfect!”, without the patterns (Laws) to do so, is impossible!


Message 143


Message 145