Message 145

Modern day “evangelism”. Taken from the ever “anti” Hebrew language, the Greek language, has ěu (yoo) as the root word for evangelism. It's definition is “good”. The problem soon to be exposed was previously discussed via a simple yet profound reality: You cannot give to others what you yourself fail to possess!

Of the multiple Hebrew words commonly translated as “world”, we pay particular attention to one, and of course you already know it as têbêl (Yahweh's life giving thought streams placed into chosen souls). The root word of têbêl is yâbal יכל (yaw-bal'). It's definitions are “flow, bring”. Indeed we love to see the “yaw (yah)” as the root of all things true. Now taking a deeper dive, we define “moist”. The Hebrew word is lach לח (lakh). It's definitions are “be new, fresh”.

The 144,000 realize beyond all doubts that the Hebraic intent of and for the word  têbêl, speaks to the “fresh, flowing, invigorating stream of thoughts placed into one's mind, by Yahweh's Sovereign choice (covenant) to do so.” That the “world” He is discussing is of course His total expanse of thoughts, offered to chosen souls, via a reclamation process described as, “Work out your salvation!” (Phillipians 2:12)

“And this message [of the utter destruction of the personal will] of the kingdom will be fully taught to all the world (the entire thought expanse), by the one [the “Yahweh saves” mindset within; Yahshua] who bears witness (“repeats” Yahweh's will) to all nations (“mass”; every construct of thoughts within, mainly of the thoughts “foreign” to Yahweh's will); and then the end will come.” (Mattithyah 24:14)

It was and is always about saving individual minds, with the established truth that a mind “unsaved” cannot offer salvation to another, and that salvation is mental perfection! Unity is completeness with Yahweh's Mind! And when modern day “evangelism” fails to perceive these truths, it is anything but “good”.


Message 144


Message 146