Message 146

In order to expose we must define! At yesterdays message we discussed the “world” that pertains to Yahweh's Kingdom, a Kingdom of thoughts. And the travesty begins when we explore the Greek attempt to translate the Hebrew word têbêl. Their word would be kŏsmŏs (kós-mos). And their definition would be “arrangement, decoration, adornment”. Comparing this with têbêl (“moist, flow”), we see an utter lack of proper representation of Hebraic intent. And the bigger issue is that the Greeks (and all they could deceive) have decided that kŏsmŏs (world) overwhelmingly applies to worlds that are in direct conflict with each other: In other words according to the Greeks the kŏsmŏs is the world “Yahweh so loved”, at Yahchanan (John) 3:16, and yet this same kŏsmŏs (world) is one Yahweh's children are told NOT TO LOVE OR BE A PART OF: I Yahchanan 2:15-17, I Yahchanan 3:1, 3:15, 4:1-5, 5:4-5, Luke 9:25, 12:29-30, 16:8, 20:34-35, Yahchanan 7:7, 9:39, 12:31, 15:19, 17:6, 17:9, 17:14-25, 18:36-37.

Because of the many misunderstandings of Yahweh's internal, mental kingdom, and the Hebrew language as a whole, the misrepresentation of His purposes becomes evident. The 144,000 understand that the distinctly different and separate “worlds” discussed in Scripture, are simply two differing bodies of thought AND WHERE THEY DERIVE FROM! It is either Yahweh's will (world) or the fallen mind's will (world). And let there be no doubt that Yahweh's word is one of perfect mental clarity (“Zion”). It is this “world” He so loves (Yahchanan 3:16); that He will be bringing chosen souls back to! Eternal Oneness with His Mind and of course, His son's.


Message 145


Message 147