Message 147

Just to be crystal clear, the Hebrew words commonly translated as “world”, are cheled חלר (kheh'-led) (“glide, fleeting”) and ̕erets (eh'-rets) (“be firm”; also often translated as “earth, land, country, way”). Scripture makes it crystal clear that those words speak to a world that is not Yahweh's world, that He indeed does love; the Hebrew word representing His world being, têbêl תכל (tay-bale') (“moist, flow”).

Another Hebrew word that is also translated as “world” is the word ̔ôlâm עולם (o-lawm') (“vanishing, out of mind”). Found at verses such as Ecclesiastes 3:11, Isayah 45:17, 64:4, and again we see a world that is NOT têbêl. The 144,000 understand that every chosen mind must rise from the fallen world; the totality of all that a soul could and would think when ruled by the personal will. They have also worked very hard to enter into Yahweh's world; the world of perfect mental clarity (“Zion”) borne forth from a faith leading to obedience to ALL (613 total) of Yahweh's Mind patterns (Laws). And they understand that Yahshua indeed made it clear, when any of the 613 were wrongly represented by fallen minds (man's traditions, trying to usurp Yahweh's will).

The physical world (a representation of the ̕erets within) is passing away very soon: First in thought, then physically. It will be very soon that the chosen children will return to têbêl, and as the 144,000 understand, it is not an eternal state that has ever been, nor ever will be, physical! (I Corinthians 15:45-50)


Message 146


Message 148