Message 148
“For Yahweh so loved (never failing) the world (the Hebrew word têbêl; the “fresh, pure, invigorating, flowing” thought stream between Himself and created man, BEFORE the fall) that the begotten (mental lineage) son (“builder”) of Yahweh was offered, that whosoever [those Yahweh implanted His Mind into] believes in him [the “Yahweh saves” mindset; Yahshua] should not perish (eternally “wander” in thought), but have everlasting life (a mind forever united in Oneness with Yahweh's Mind; salvation). For Yahweh did not send His son (mind's chief “builder”; bringing back Oneness of thought) into the world (the têbêl; perfect thinking) to condemn the world, but that the world (Yahweh's allotted thought expanse made available to chosen souls, wherein sinful thinking never resides) through him (“Yahweh saves” mindset; Yahshua) might be saved (saved world = saved mind).” (Yahchanan 3:16-17)
Bringing chosen souls back to ̔Êden (total mental “pleasure”); restored ̔Êden. And to further express that it is always about internal matters, we finish at Yahchanan 3:19-21.
“Now this is the condemnation (the eternal separation between Yahweh's “world (têbêl) of thought” and the fallen will's “world (expressed as “cheled, erets, olam”) of thought”); Light (“illumination”) has come (Yahchanan 8:12) into the world (the manifestation of Yahweh placing His presence into the fallen “world” of chosen men's minds, in order to reconcile that mind back to His thought world), but men [thoughts] loved darkness (mental “misery”) greater then the light (the “Yahweh saves” mindset; Yahshua), because their deeds (mind's “actions”) were wicked. For everyone [every thought] who practices (mentally conjours) wickedness (thoughts that are “anti” Yahweh's will) hates (consciously despises) the light (Yahweh's mental salvation process) and does not come to the light (Yahshua) for fear his deeds would be exposed. But he who practices (“works out”) truth comes to the light, so that it may be plainly seen (perceived) that his deeds (mind's activity) has been done through (via) Yahweh.”