Message 149
You have probably heard of the term “sour grapes”, and there is a good chance you likened it to a state of mind. And so it is with the entirety of the Hebrew language and it's intent. Every single letter of every single word, the definition(s) of each word, and of course the context of the verse(s) in which they reside; all about states of mind. It would be appropriate to call it a language steeped in metaphysics. Metaphysical physics being the systematic study of the science of being; that which transcends the physical. The Hebrew language gives a clear understanding of the realm(s) of the mind's behaviours and their legitimate (“clean”) or illegitimate (“unclean”) expressions.
The Hebrew word often translates as “sour” is becer כסר (beh'-ser). It's definition is “immature”. The Hebrew word for “grapes” is ̒ênâb ענכ (ay-nawb'). It's definition is “bear”. The Hebrew word for “bear” is yâlad ילר (yaw-lad). Running again into the “yaw (yah)” of the matter, we find the definition of “bear” is to “show lineage”. And matters we have often discussed show us that the lineage discussed is personal, either the fallen will, or the will of Yahweh (the “yaw” of the mind's bearing).
The 144,000 understand that sour grapes is indeed a mental bearing borne forth from an immature mindset. And so it becomes very obvious from what seed this mindset is born from. And they also know well that if that sneaky, deceptive, personal will attempts to rear it's ugly head within, that Yahweh has procured a remedy: “Be thankful always!” (Ephesians 5:20)