Message 150

“And Yahweh went in front (the “East gate” in the mind's directives) of them [“thoughts ruled by and for His power”; Israel] by day (the time of illumination) in a pillar (“standing”; mental uprightness) of a cloud (“cover, act covertly”; mystique), to lead (mentally) their way (mental paths); and by night (“twist, adversity”; the mind's compromise) in a pillar (uprightness) of fire (“burn”; convictions), to give them light (proper mental perspective); so they could travel (mentally “go”) by day and night...” (Exodus 13:21)

It makes the mind sing, “Your a Good Good Father; it's Who You are...” The Unilateral Mind Covenant with chosen souls brings so much of His Goodness with it. The magnanimous truths of His protection WITHIN, leads the astute to understand that it must certainly manifest without (in life physical) as well. For how could a mind be filled with His Presence and have any other perspective of ALL THINGS, then His? And if His perspective, is there any wonder that His “Do not worry!” means, “Do you [yes, you reader] think I [Yahweh] have worries?”

The 144,000 know that a mind in turmoil is a mind that disregards the pillars Yahweh has placed within His children. They know that though His mystique and convictions are assured, that many of His children DON'T learn from the prodigal's plight. They seem to need to become prodigals as well, before learning to live in the presence of the pillars. They know that it is not necessary to have to fall so far in order to rise so high. And they know the time is short.


Message 149


Message 151