Message 151

A debtor's society! The 144,000 understand the intricacies of operating in the will of Yahweh, while at the same time dealing with the utterly corrupt systems of fallen minds.

The Hebrew word is châyab חוכ (khaw-yab'). It's definitions are “tie, forfeit”. It's a word that of course speaks to a certain kingdom within and the causes of one's transgressional thoughts. Those that bind (tie) the mind causing it to miss (forfeit) the will of Yahweh, inner burdens and even panic being the sure end result.

The 144,000 understand that though Yahweh's Kingdom is indeed within, thoughts do manifest in life physical. That “Have no debtor!” is first a mental matter regarding mental bondage, but that it applies to life physical as well; No debtor within, no debtor without (in the physical)! And in a society that mainly deals in “debt notes (Federal Reserve Notes, i.e., dollar bills),” a grand trap has been set for the masses. The 144,000 realize it is a great wickedness to have all “public servants” swear an oath to a Constitution that claims that “only gold and silver” can pay debts (found at Article 1, Section 10 of said Constitution), and yet have “banks” that neither accept nor provide gold and silver. Only debt notes are available; fools silver and fools gold.

Listen closely loved one: Whatever “equity” you believe in, that is “Federal Reserve Note (dollar bill)” based, can be eradicated at the whims of a very few. It has happened several times via fallen minds and the physical history of such minds. It will happen again very soon. A mind in bondage means a physical life in bondage! He who holds the silver (love/physical metal) and gold (wisdom/physical metal) is he whose mind hears Yahweh's will. Eyes to see, ears to hear....


Message 150


Message 152