Message 152

The Hebrew word is râʽâb רעכ (raw-awb'). It's definition is “hunger”. Often translated as both “hunger” and “famine”, the 144,000 know that it is speaking of and to a kingdom within. Yahshua always expressed Hebraic intent in a perfect manner: “I am the bread (mental nourishment) of life (active minds). He who comes (consciously follows) to me will never hunger (mentally famished), and he who believes in me will never thirst (mentally languish).” (Yahchanan 6:35)

But as it is with “debtorship”, this hunger also manifests in life physical via a foundational truth borne forth from Yahweh's Mind: Thoughts precede physical acts!

And so it is also Yahshua speaking to a “famine” at the “end of times” (mental revolutions made available/ the physical end of earth). At Mattithyah 24:7, Mark 13:8 and Luke 21:11, the “famine” Yahshua refers to is of course first within, but also refers to acts in the shadowlands (life physical). And because a famine is prophesied, the 144,000 connect dots: “Fake paper 'money' under the absolute control of a very few, leads to massive control over entire populations of the minds of men, and of course then their life physical!” And the 144,000 are planning accordingly! According to all that Yahweh speaks first within them of course!


Message 151


Message 153