Message 15

Here are two Hebrew words, and it is always of utmost importance to see what specifically the Father means to say. The first word is חיה chay (khah'-ee). It's definitions are "alive, fresh". Modern translations do a decent job in properly translating but this is where we find that one may translate in a decent manner, yet miss Hebraic intent all together. Most translations use the words "alive, live, life" to express chay, and this over 400 times throughout both Covenants. Where they miss the mark is in describing, "What exactly is alive, or living, or has life?" Digging deeper we find the Hebrew word כשך  bâsâr (ba-sawr'). It's definition is "fresh" and takes us further into chay's meaning. Of the 400 times the word bâsâr is used in both covenants, it is overwhelmingly translated as the word "flesh".

Does the word “flesh” describe the pure Hebraic intent of both "fresh" and "alive"? The 144,000 understand that the words are meant to tell of very specific matters of intent: The "fresh life" of the Hebrew language speaks to the "raw, active thoughts borne forth in the minds of men." And as crucial is the reality that there are two sources of such kinds of thoughts; the will of Yahweh placed into the center of intellect of chosen men, and the one's own "self will” and it's thoughts and the ideas they form. Those 400 plus scriptures all speaking to a question that demands an answer: From whence does that "fresh life" in one's mind, come?

Let's look at one of those 400 scriptures with the proper intent and then the often used translation and see what we find:

"A new mind (translated often as "heart"), will I also give you, and a new mind (translated often as "spirit") will I put within you; and I will take out your mind (again translated as "heart") of stone (that “built" of the fallen will) out of your raw, active thoughts (translated here as "flesh") and will give you a mind/intellect (translated here as "heart") that is alive (those new thoughts placed into the intellect by Yahweh's Covenant), I will put My Mind (terribly translated as "Spirit"; more on this tomorrow) within you and cause you to walk in My statutes (mind "appointments"), and you will keep My judgments (mental “verdicts"), and do them." (Yᵉchezqyêʼl (Ezekiel) 36:26-27)

Again, Hebraic intent: life, fresh, alive = thoughts placed into the mind from either Yahweh's Mind, or ones own!


Message 14


Message 16