Message 16
We find it at 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 and 15:45, as well as via Luke 17:20-21 and John 18:36. What the 144,000 know is that His express “revelation” is meant to deeply ingrain itself within you, and it's exactly this: His Kingdom is within you! Is there any wonder that the language of creation, the Hebrew language, always speaks to matters within, via the definitions of Hebrew words? Did you think the "Jordan" was first a river rather then "decrease within the mind" that must be crossed over; meeting the exact definition of Yardên? Did you believe "King David" was first a man rather then "the reign of love within," which is the exact Hebrew definition of the two words?
And the 144,000 are also intimately aware that the terrible translations made available to mankind today have duped many into utilizing words that do not even exist in the Hebrew language, in order to hide the true Hebraic intent of what is being said. Yes, a systematic watering down that sadly even the best of Concordances have fallen prey to.
Test yourself and see: Go to 1 Corinthians 2:11 and instead of the bad translation "Spirit/spirit", put in the exact word that represents Hebrew words and their definitions. Place the word "Mind/mind" in the verse and see what Yahweh wants to show you.
And replace these words every time you run into them and you will know for sure that The Kingdom of Yahweh has come upon you and it is always a matter of the thought world!