Message 17
Hebrew letters (with the numeric significance), the words they form, the specific definitions of each word, and the context of what is being said in each specific verse!
If any one of these elements is missing you do not have Hebraic intent and therefore, do not have the will of Yahweh!
The 144,000 understand that before any created thing came to be, a language came first. A language that would, when spoken, create. The Hebrew language would exist before all else: "And Yahweh said..."
The 144,000 also know that more then 99% of your modern translations (and there are hundreds of them) of the Scriptures rarely express Hebraic intent and/or actually hide true Hebraic intent. When it comes to "seek and find", the 144,000 have done their work and ferociously found the will of the Father within His language of Creation. Over the next several messages we will expose and extrapolate, and we will pinpoint specific Hebraic intent regardless of modern translations.
The 144,000 know that the Hebrew word לב leb (labe), with it's definitions "will, intellect", speaks to matters of the mind. They understand it is a matter on "knowing" the will of The Father, as well as the fallen will of mankind. They understand that the Father's will is Supreme (perfect in the first instance, never needing correction) and that the cry for perfect thinking has been patterned by the son as, "Not my will but Thy will be done!", in every instance. So it is fitting that all translations should indeed be translating the word leb as "intellect", which is a matter of the mind and it's ability to perceive the Father's will. Instead, 99% of the time, translators and their translations use the word "heart". A word that has caused many to err in their intellect and believe that the idea to "follow your heart" should be an emotional decision rather then one based in the knowledge of Yahweh's will alone. Not allowing "feelings" to rule, but rather "I only do the will of The Father." The 144,000 know that everywhere the word "heart" is utilized in translations it means "center of intellect".
The Hebrew word is יךע yâda' (yaw-dah'). Indeed within the word is our letter previously researched, a Hebrew letter found in the Name of Yahweh Himself. The very "yad" that means "power, grasp"; the "Yah" of the matter. And so we find our word yâdá means "to know". Most translations do better at getting it right, but even then it always needs deeper exploration. We see (internally perceive) that in the power of "yah" is also full understanding of the Mind of Yahweh; the "knowing" of what His exact will is. From Yahweh Alone comes yâdá and there is no knowledge apart from yâdá.