Message 18

The second Hebrew word in dealing with "life" is the word נפש  nephesh (neh'-fesh). It's definitions are "breathing, vitality". Of the almost 700 times this word is translated through both Covenants, about 475 of those times it is commonly translated as "soul". And of course even by chance, most translators manage to get the word "mind" into some verses where nephesh is the actual word they are translating; about 30 times out of the 700.

We go deeper into the definition "breathing" and we find that the word is רוח rûwach (roo'-akh). This Hebrew word is at the crux of the mauling of true Hebraic intent, in that 98% (in about 7 verses, translators do get it right) of the time this word is utilized in both Covenants, and it is translated as the non Hebrew word "Spirit/spirit." The 144,000 realize that within their own minds they had to come to a deeper understanding of Yahweh's intent, and the word "Spirit/spirit" would never bring them there. Is it the same to say, "The Spirit of Yahweh is upon you, " and "The Mind of Yahweh is upon you"? The 144,000 know better and have gone to great lengths to cultivate His Mind within their own, by the effective pattern of, "Never my will but Thy will!"

"For what man understands what passes through a man's thoughts, except the man's own mind (not "spirit”) within him? In the same way, no one understands the things of Yahweh except the Mind (not "Spirit") of Yahweh." (1 Corinthians 2:11)

"And the Mind of Yahweh descended upon him like a dove (Hebraically, "effervescing warmth", and this within of course)..." (Yôwnâthân (John) 1:32)

A "Mind" that He has placed within His son and His chosen vessels, for the defeating and overcoming of the "self" mind.


Message 17


Message 19