Message 19
Indeed, with Hebraic intent established and secure within one's processes of thought, scriptures automatically bring mysteries to the surface, thereby expanding the ability to perceive Yahweh's Mind with piercing sharpness.
At 2 Kêpha (Peter) (the "hollow rock" of thoughts being transformed by Yahweh) 1:1-10, we find an answer to many of the mind's questions in regards to life physical:
"As His Holy power (the "yad" of the matter) has granted (via a Unilateral Mind Covenant) to us all things of life (active thinking) and power (His active Presence in our thoughts) THROUGH (emphasis mine) the full knowledge (the "yâdá" of the matter) of Yahweh."
The 144,000 have already received portions of the "sealing" and part of this is the reality that everything the mind needs (for all of life is in the mind) for fullness of peace, joy and love, is ONLY (again, emphasis mine) found, "Through knowledge of Yahweh!" Not in anything or anyone physical, but all of the mind's dreams answered by knowing Him. And of course we have a chief pattern setter to follow, thus guaranteeing the transformation; Yahshua (the "Yahweh saves" mindset)!