Message 20

The Hebrew word is אןת owth (oth). It's definitions are "appearing, beacon, come". At Ezekiel 20:12 and 20:20, we see that the literal "oath" from Yahweh is that He "appears, illuminates, comes to" those who keep his Sabbath(s). That's right it's plural and obedient Feast keepers and Sabbath keepers understand why.

The 144,000 have no internal division about several facts concerning what is actually named among what are commonly known as "The Ten commandments". The Sabbath and the keeping of it being of course the fourth commandment of the ten, and yes, with the most spoken detail of all the ten. They know that the entire purpose is to enter into holy rest for mind, and of course physical body, and this from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. They are very familiar with the many mandates within the command found both at Nᵉchemyâh (Nehemiah) 13:15-22 and Yirmᵉyâh (Jeremiah) 17:21-27:

No treading the wine press, no harvesting grain, no loading donkeys with merchandise to sell; these things called "wickedness" and "desecration" by Yahweh. And of course the "load, burden" they are told not to carry is physical, but the 144,000 understand that like all things Hebraic, it is first a command about the Kingdom within; the Kingdom of thought. And right now those who are of those destined to be sealed, are asking themselves, "What does wine-press, grain, donkeys and merchandise mean in the Hebrew language?" And they will marvel when they see (mentally perceive) that as with every single Hebrew word in the entire Hebrew alphabet, Yahweh's language is ALWAYS first speaking to matters within the mind; about His Kingdom and the kingdom of "self" that resides within each chosen mind.

Indeed the 144,000 understand that the Sabbath(s) are a matter of supernatural appointments with the Mind of the Maker, and that He has said that the keeping of such is literally a matter of eternal life and death, and they play no games with it. (see Hebrews 4:1-11)


Message 19


Message 21