Message 154
“O Jerusalem (mental habitation meant for “peace”), Jerusalem who murders (consciously “smites”) the prophets (thoughts “inspired” by Yahweh), and stones (“be weighty”; the mind's personal burdens) those who are sent to you. How often I [“Yahweh saves”; Yahshua] would have gathered (consciously unified) your children (the mind's “building” blocks) together, as a hen (“favor, kindness”) her brood (“new, regenerate”; youthful thoughts) under her wings (mental “boundaries”), but you were not willing. Behold (mentally ponder)! Your house (mindset) is left to you desolate (consciously “bereaved”)! So truly I say to you: You will not see (consciously perceive) me until the time (Revelation 6:9-11, leading to 7:9-10) comes when you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the Name (the “Yah” of the matter) of Yahweh'”. (Luke 13:34-35)
Is it Yahweh's peace that causes all of the mind's travail, or is it one's own personal perceptions of peace? One's own mental view of what Yahweh means when He commands, “Be Holy!”? For it is known by the 144,000 that in order for the mind to be filled with His peace, the only true and authentic kind, one must be able to express the will of Yahweh that they are indeed commanded to follow! Yahshua makes it very clear with every word he speaks, that all false perceptions of Yahweh's will always leads to mental desolation, and that the personal will ALWAYS misperceives Yahweh! The 144,000 know to ask themselves honestly, “What is bringing me peace today?” And the honesty incorporates a fierce commitment to the humble realization that the personal will is the mind's only disrupter of Yahweh's peace within.