Message 155
“He [Yahshua] presented another parable (inner mystery for those intended to rise in intellect: “superior”) to them (the twelve mental faculties/disciples/tribes), saying, 'The Kingdom of Yahweh is like a grain (“packed, cramped”; the mind's allotted “faith”, given by Yahweh; see Romans 12:3) of mustard (“hurt, sting”; the mind's chastening borne forth via Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Covenant with chosen souls) seed (mental “sowing”), which a man [body of thought] took and planted (consciously grounded to spread roots) in his field (“spread, flat”; the mind's thought plain). Though it is indeed the least (the most unwelcome by the personal will; the chastening) of all seeds, when it has grown (mentally matured) it is the greatest among herbs (the mind's “sprouting”) and becomes a tree (source of “firm” truth), so that the birds (once unattainable thoughts) of the air (the “lofty” thought expanse) come and nest (consciously dwell) in it's branches (extensions of the twelve mental faculties).” (Mattithyah 13:31-32)
The 144,000 understand the exact likeness this mystery for the superior minded offers, of and about Yahweh's external Kingdom. That every seed sown is a future tree (truth) within, and that like all seeds, the water (fruitification) of Yahweh's presence within coupled with vast obedience to His Mind patterns (Laws), will bear plentiful fruit! And that as is so consistent with Yahweh's profound wisdom, the mind's fruit comes from the places the personal will finds so very undesirable. As it should! For it is the utter eradication of such a will opposed to Yahweh's that His entire plan was enacted. Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset) being the internal and external representation of His plan.