Message 156
“Then David (“love” and it's refining thoughts and ideas within) left there [Adullam - “justice of the people”] and went to Mizpah (“observatory, peer”; the mind's considerations) of Moab (“seed of the father”; carnal traditions and thinking), and he said to the king (“reigning” thoughts of any mental territory) of Moab (carnality), 'Allow my mother (mind's emotional “bonds”) and my father (mind's traditions) to stay here with you, until I know what Yahweh will do with me.'” (I Samuel 22:3)
Is it not the pattern that supersedes all patterns borne forth in love; to be able to hear Yahweh's voice within about every decision we are to make? Do we see that in order to be able to do so we must leave behind personal emotions (mother) and the mind's normal traditions (father)? And that the only place they can be left is from whence they came: the seed (mind's sowing) of the father (traditions borne forth of the personal will).
The 144,000 have learned that because they are commanded to “Take each thought captive... into the obedience of the anointing (mind “rubbed” with Yahweh's Mind)”, (I Corinthians 10:5) there are powerful ramifications: If Yahweh commands me, dozens of times, to “wait” for Him in regards to any questions my mind may have, and that if the command includes, “I only do what the Father tells me!”, (Yahchanan 5:19) then another hidden secret is revealed: He must answer!! A magnanimous truth He implants into those who seek! That a Father Who commands “Wait!”, and then fails to answer, would be a bad Father. Yahweh is the Only Good Father!
The 144,000 know that they have been given a commanded right to receive a “Yes!” or a “No!”, about every question they bring to His throne within. And in this they learn that the waiting is indeed, a glorious thing!