Message 160

“If we say we have fellowship (“join, fascinate”) with Him but walk (mentally “go”) in darkness (mental “misery” borne forth from reliance upon the personal will), we lie and we do not practice (“make, do”) the truth (total mental “stability”).” (I Yahchanan 1:6)

The 144,000 don't settle, and by settle it means to compromise. “Mostly good with just a little bad” in matters involving one's own mental position before Yahweh, is missing the mark – utterly! Yahweh's Kingdom is not subject to the fallen mind's compromises. It is not a kingdom where mishaps and excuses are made, BECAUSE LOVE DEMANDS SUCH! Perfection demanded is not the antithesis of love, IT IS LOVE!

The 144,000 rise daily with eternal truths shimmering within: “I have the commanded right to be completely One with Your Mind Yahweh, and to settle for anything less under the guise of a self perceived righteousness, is a great sin before You Father. Let me not be deceived of 'self' today Father. In Yahshua's name I ask it, for total cleansing and healing of all that remains within me that defies You. So be it!”



Message 159


Message 161