Message 161

“Grief (“vexation, sorrow”) is better then laughter (“merriment, sorrow”); a sad (“break”) countenance (the mind's “face”) is better for the mind; the heart (“center of intellect”) of the wise (“experience, shrewd”) is in the house (total mindset) of mourning (“lamentation”), but the heart of the fool (“silly”) is in the house of mirth (“blithesome, gleeful”).” (Ecclesiastes 7:3-4)

Internal matters, internal matters, internal matters! And what do we learn from qoheleth קהלת (ko-heh'-leth) (“assembler, preacher”), named Shelomoh שלמה (shel-o-mo') (“peaceful”; commonly translated as “Solomon”)? The 144,000 understand what Solomon the preacher is revealing what happens when one recognizes the truth about their mental state, if left to the “self”. When one recognizes that their own best efforts towards righteousness (right thinking) always ends in deprivation, the physical world and all of it's enticements loses it's glory. That life in the tangible plain is unfit in promoting reconciliation with the Mind of Yahweh. The “joys” of the physical plain fade as one realizes that joy Yahweh's way can only come from within first, and nothing about the physical plain can be the first source of such a joy. The 144,000 know to internalize everything, asking, “What in this physical world can help me think as you think Yahweh?” Do you have your answer from Him? And yet so many get lost in the merriment of the world fallen; broken perceptions about what Yahweh's love, peace and joy is meant to be, and where it is meant to be found.

The 144,000 know that EVERYTHING that pertains to the mind's prosperity (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, righteousness, faithfulness, humility, self control), comes only one way: THROUGHT THE KNOWLEDGE OF YAHWEH!! (II Kepha (Peter) 1:3)


Message 160


Message 162