Message 162

The Hebrew word is pathah פתה (paw-thaw'). It's definitions are “be roomy, be simple”. Commonly translated as the word “deceive(d)”, we do well to understand the source of deception(s), and we know there is only two sources to choose from:

“Any man [thought] of the house (mindset being rebuilt) of Israel (“thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's will) who sets up any idols (“roll, round”; obstinacy) in his heart (“center of intellect”), setting (mentally sowing) his (from the “self” will) stumbling blocks (mental “obstacles” to the will of Yahweh) of iniquity (mental perversity) before his face (mind's countenance), and then comes to the prophet (thoughts intended to be “inspired” of and by Yahweh's will alone), I, Yahweh will answer him (“self” reliant thoughts) who comes – according to the multitude of his idols; in order that I may seize (consciously “desolate”) the house of Israel (the totality of one's thought world, intended to be ruled by Yahweh's will, yet needing pruning) in their own hearts (intellect); because they [the thoughts that remain of the “self” will] are all estranged (“foreign” to Yahweh's will) from Me through their obstinacy (mind's idols derived of the personal will).” (Yechezqȇʼl (yekh-ez-kale'); Ezekiel 14:4-5)

Corruption within His house! Always a matter of the personal will, which He has said “hates” His ways. (Romans 8:7) And yet His Unilateral Mind Covenant does not destroy the whole mind of chosen souls, but rather, condemns whatever is left of the “self” within one's thoughts. A radical rooting out, guaranteeing via Covenant, that all that shall be left is the will of Yahweh; His Mind in you! The 144,000 glory in His glory, saying, “Save me from my own self, Mighty Yahweh!”


Message 161


Message 163