Message 163
“But if that prophet (thoughts intended to “inspire”) is deceived (“be roomy, be simple”; loose, foolish thinking) to speak his own words, I, Yahweh, have deceived (mentally mislead) that prophet, and I will stretch (consciously spread) out My hands (control of the mind's ability to “grasp”) against him, and will destroy him [the internal moment of “inspiration”] from the midst of My people [congregating thoughts] Israel (“thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's will”).” (Yechezqȇʼl (Ezekiel) 14:9)
As it is with thoughts borne forth of and from the personal will, so shall it be with those thoughts that “inspire” a mind to do other then the will of Yahweh. The 144,000 have a deep seated reverence for and about Yahweh's Sovereignty over EVERY mind; those chosen for redemption and those not. And they also understand that for those not chosen, the will (Mind) of Yahweh exists not in their ability to deliberate; upping the ante of what “Sovereignty” really speaks to.
Lets state it another way for clarity's sake: For the foreigner, those not chosen, wickedness is the only mental state they can and will abide in. For the chosen ones, the internal conscience has two wills; the personal will that must be crucified, and the implanted will of Yahweh. And Yahweh's plan ends with two distinct eternal places: those who are forever banished from His Mind (the sheʼôwl (hell) of Scripture), and those who have shed the totality of their personal will and returned back to Oneness with Yahweh's Mind (the shâmayim (heaven) of Scripture).