Message 164
The Hebrew word is ganגן (gan). It's definition is “fenced”. It's root word is gânan גנה (gaw-nan'). It's definition is “hedge”. And the Hebrew word for hedge is suwk שוך (sook); “twine, shut”.
The deeper one digs the clearer the Hebraic intent is realized. Is there any doubt that the string of words above speak to some sort of connective protection? If we sought all of the verses that utilize the Hebrew word gan, would we find that they always speak to Yahweh's choice to place protective measures in the thought processes of His children (“builders”)? Of course we would! And so it will be no surprise, though pleasantly surprising, that the word gan is systematically translated over sixty times in the Scriptures as the word “garden”. Yes indeed this includes the garden of Genesis 2:8 - “Yahweh planted (“strike, fix”; at the front seat of one's conscience) in Eden (“pleasure, live voluptuously”; mental glee), and there He put man (an existing conscience uniquely distinct from Himself; the Adam) whom He formed (“squeezing, mould”).”
The 144,000 having grasped the internal realities of chosen and non chosen minds, realize that the objective of the Maker is to bring His elect back to this “world” of mental perfection, never again allowing for fallibility to enter into the equation. And that before a physical death, the “sealing” of Revelation chapter seven leads to that return to mental Oneness with Yahweh and Yahshua.