Message 165

And from whence do all, other then the “10”, manifest? A common misconception well understood by the 144,000, a misconception that cripples both mind and therefore body (whole mindset/physical congregation), is the lie that there are now only ten commandments one must be obedient to. When Mosheh (the conscience that “draws out” Yahweh's will) spoke ALL of the words (i.e. “plans”) of the Covenant in Deuteronomy, he spoke 613 Laws (248 positive (“thou shall!”) commands and 365 prohibitive (“thou shall not!”) commands).

Just as it was in Eden (the mind finding “pleasure” in Yahweh's will only), only commands are available! Having previously discussed “How?” chosen souls can now, via a Unilateral Mind Covenant, obey the commands fully, we go to Yahshua for even more mental clarity! “If you want to come to perfection (a saved mind), go sell (dispossess) of what you have and give your tithe (“accumulate”; mind's profits) to the poor (“depressed, weak” thoughts), and you will have treasure (mental “wealth”) in heaven (the “lofty” thought expanse); walking (mentally “going”) in Yahweh's ways (Mind paths) and following me [the “Yahweh saves” mindset].” (Mattithyah 19:21)

Not of the “10”, but yet, commanded! Of and from Deuteronomy 14:28-29 and 26:12-15, these commanded precepts regarding three distinct mind tithes, spoken by Yahshua. The 144,000 understand that he was and will always be the walking plan/word/Law of Yahweh, both within his mind and by progression, in his physical life. They know that a huge majority of what he taught was not distinctly of the ten, and yet commanded by the Father! A matter they take not lightly!


Message 164


Message 166