Message 166

“Then the little (“immature”) children (“builders”) were brought to him [the “Yahweh saves” mindset; Yahshua], that he might put hands (the ability to mentally “grasp”) on them and pray; but the disciples (yet fully matured mental “discaplines”) rebuked them [young, immature thoughts]. But Yahshua said, 'Allow the little children, and do not forbid them to come to me; for of such [young, humble mouldable thoughts] is the Kingdom of Yahweh.'” (Mattithyah 19:13-14)

You have heard the proverbial saying that one cannot teach an old dog new tricks, right? In reference to the Kingdom of Yahweh, a Kingdom within, the same proverb applies. A mind (12 mental faculties/disciplines total) that believes in it's own maturity apart from the will of Yahweh, is a mind that indeed shuns the unknown. Particularly those thoughts that require meekness, humility, compassion and the like.

The 144,000 understand that the renewing thoughts placed into one's “center of intellect (heart)”, are at first, misunderstood. Their simplicity of and in Yahweh's truths, literally “throws off” the mind once steadfast in it's own endeavors. Those renewing thoughts are the little children of Yahweh's Kingdom and of course their intent is to rebuild all of the broken places within – the many broken places within. Their are many children within each chosen soul and the 144,000 took time for the children, and still do. The beauty of an innocence never realized, even in physical childhood. A brand newness from Yahweh Himself. The 144,000 know that to disregard the little ones is to defy Yahweh's will. “Like a dog (“attack”) returning to it's vomit (mind's “spue”) is a fool returning to his folly.” (Proverbs 26:4)


Message 165


Message 167