Message 167
“Iron (“cutting, pierce”) sharpens (“severe, fierce”) iron (personal convictions not steeped in Yahweh's will); so man [fallen thoughts] sharpens the perceptions of his friend (“associate, tend”).” (Proverbs 27:17)
And because of such, pride begets pride, fear begets fear, and on and on it goes. The 144,000 realize the often inferred meanings of many of the Scriptures. They dig deeper and come to conclusions rarely ever discussed and certain to be scoffed at. But they stand in the substance of the totality of Yahweh's written will. They know that He regards iron as straw (“material”; mental refuse) (Iyyob (Job) 41:27), and that He is no respecter of man (II Samuel 14:14). It is in the context of every Scripture offered that the 144,000 settle all matters within their minds. That Hebraic intent deals not only with Hebrew words, their numeric significance and their definitions, but the context of the verses in which they speak. They reject the first inclinations of what “truth” may indeed be, realizing their own former mental laziness towards Yahweh's deepest truths; the “hidden mysteries” spoken of in Scripture. It is time to dig deeper loved one. A surface understanding of Yahweh and Yahshua will not do when Yahweh Himself unleashes “hell on earth”. (Revelation 12:12) If both iron and man can be broken, shattered, from whence does your mind's total strength derive? From Whom do you rely upon to form every truth within?