Message 168
“And this is love (unfailing adoration): That we walk (mentally “go”) after His [Yahweh's] Laws (Mind patterns). Those are the Laws, that, as you have heard from the beginning (Genesis 26:5, Exodus 12:5, Leviticus 22:31, 26:3-13, Numbers 15:39-40, Deuteronomy 7:9-11), you should walk in them.” (II Yahchanan 6)
Love = Keeping Yahweh's Mind patterns (Laws)
The 144,000 understand very well that the many who refuse the totality of Yahweh's commands (Mind Laws) are the many whose perceptions of love will “grow cold”. (Mattithyah 24:12) They understand that Yahweh expresses Himself as love, and to attempt to separate His love from how He thinks and therefore what He commands, is delusional:
“And this is Yahweh: that we walk after His Laws...”
His name is synonymous with love and love with His name, and both intricately connected through the Law.
“I [Yahweh] have no greater joy then to hear that My children (“builders”) walk (mentally “go”) in truth (the Laws).” (III Yahchanan 4)