Message 169

“If a man [thought] has committed a sin (mental transgression) worthy of death (“ruin”), and he is to be put to death, and his body (total mindset) is hanged (“suspend”) on a tree (“firmness”; truth), his body must not remain overnight (dark adversity) on the tree. You must surely bury (“inter”; entomb) him that day, so that you do not defile the land (firmly held thought plain) which Yahweh your Father is giving you as an inheritance (mental lineage). He who is hanged (consciously suspended) is accursed (“vilify”) by Yahweh.” (Deuteronomy 21:22-23)

Hung on a truth! First witnessed in reference at Genesis 40:19, we come to fully understand here at Deuteronomy, what Yahshua would willingly face in order to redeem chosen minds back into unity with the Father's will. The Hebrew word that signifies which sort of tree would be utilized is the word yâthêd יתר (yaw-thade'). It's definitions are “pin, peg”. Only referenced twenty-four times in Scripture, it's common translations are “nail, paddle, pin, stake”.

The 144,000 realize that in keeping with Yahshua's own words at Mattithyah 10:38, 16:24, Mark 8:34, 10:21 and Luke 9:23, 14:27, that “Hanged on a stake...”, is in keeping with Hebraic intent. That Yahshua was not hung on a cross shaped edifice and that in the Hebrew text there is never any reference to a “cross”, for the word itself does not exist in the Hebrew language. For even the Greek word staurŏs (stăw-ros) is first defined as “stake” or “post (set)”. The 144,000 have done the work and understand that Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset) was crucifying his own “self”, so that he could be the first man (once separated will) to reunite with Yahweh's will, in total accord. Suspending his own will on the truth (that the “self” had to be crucified on a stake), endearing himself to the select few who might follow; the 144,000.


Message 168


Message 170