Message 170
“Men (existing conscience) of Israel (“thoughts ruled by and for Yahweh's power”), hear these words! Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset) of Nazareth (“branch, set apart”), a man (body of thought) lifted up and shone (consciously illuminated) forth among you [chosen minds] by Yahweh, through acts (internal works) of power, and wonders, and signs (mentally “appearing”), which Yahweh did through him in the midst (mental dwelling) of you, as you yourselves know. Who, being handed over according to Yahweh's appointed plan and foreknowledge, you sacrificed (mentally slaughtered), when you had him nailed to a stake (the truth that the “self” had to be utterly crucified) by lawless (mindless) hands (“grasping”).” (Acts 2:22-23)
Not crucified by Romans or the mob, but rather by those who claimed to represent the Father; then, now and forever! Handed over for the mental transgressions of all who would indeed be called “The children of Yahweh; Israel”. The 144,000 know where Yahshua (the “Yahweh saves” mindset) was first slaughtered. It would be, for each chosen mind, the first time sin was acted upon. And that he would rise again within each chosen mind is the enactment of the process leading to salvation (a fallen mind brought back into total unity with Yahweh's will). All of this as stated, according to Yahweh's plan and foreknowledge. For Yahweh knew and the 144,000 have learned, that love could not be more gloriously expressed then to bring a soul into the true reality that what it is being saved from is it's own self!