Message 171
Every man is every man! The 144,000 fully comprehend their own mental beginning and shout in agreement, “There is none righteous, no not one!” (Romans 3:10) And they know it began with the first wrong thought within; every man a body of fallen thoughts!
Kêph (commonly known as Peter) represents the minds longing for right thinking (righteousness), while yet still battling the personal will. Kêph means “hollow rock”, and it would be upon this hollow rock (the yet fully recognized “faith” faculty within) that Yahweh would build His House (total mindset) within chosen souls. (Mattithyah 16:18)
And so we see a hungry (mentally “suffering”) Kêph and a vision he perceived: “And envisioned (internally saw) heaven (the “lofty” thought expanse), and something like a great sheet (“covering of cleanliness”) lowered by four (“sprawling”; the four boundaries of thought: East (open), North (dark), South (parched), West (roar)) corners (“extremity”; the mind's allotted boundaries made available by Yahweh), descending to the earth (firmly held to lower thought plain of fallen minds).” (Acts 10:11)
The empty (hollow) caverns within the soul longing to be filled, to be all that Yahweh would allow in His allotted boundaries of clean thinking. And with this the 144,000 have come to understand that the “newness” within has everything to do with acknowledging what once was. If mental confession is a master pattern to the mind's healing, then every former “animal” and “fowl” within must be dealt with – and understood! More on this in our next message.