Message 172
“And within it [the “covering of cleanliness (sheet)”] were all kinds (“class, tribe”; mental species) of four footed (sprawling and going forth) beasts (raw, active, dumb, unruly thoughts) of the earth (aka “ground, land, country”; the firmly held to lower thought plain of fallen minds) and wild (“active, alive”) beasts (untamed thoughts), and creeping (“glide”; deceptive) things, and birds (“hopping, protrude”; unrealized ideas) of the air (“lofty”; imaginations). And there came a voice to him [the mind's “hollow “ faith longing to realize Yahweh's will; Kepha], 'Rise (mentally stand upright), Kêph (the “faith” faculty being built up); kill (CONFESS old ways of thinking) and eat (mentally digest the internal process of mind renewal, via Yahweh's Unilateral Mind Covenant)!'” (Acts 10:12-13)
The 144,000 perceive why the minds first inclinations are to reject the idea that mental healings means one must internally digest all of the unclean things it once fed upon. Unclean thoughts that caused separation between the personal will and Yahweh's will. To have to literally go back and bring forth everything as a mandate, a mandate to confess all misperceptions, goes contrary to a process that is really steeped in “self” righteousness.
“...Kêph was wondering within himself what this vision he had seen meant...” (Acts 10:17)
“...Yahweh has shown me that I must not call every man [thought] common or unclean.” (Acts 10:28)
“...Then Yahweh has also granted to the gentiles (“thoughts” foreign to Yahweh's will) repentance (the ability to CONFESS!) to life.” (Acts 11:18)
Renewal within for every former thought foreign to Yahweh's will.